             Rahim A. and Islam A.K.M.S., 'Stability of Inland Double Decker Passenger Vessels; Comparison with Statutory Requirements', Mechanical Engineering Research Bulletin of B.U.E.T., Vol 13, 1990, pp 27-35.
             Gama B.A. and Rahim A., 'An Overview of Small Country Boats of Bangladesh',
of the NOAMI, Vol 7, No. 1&2, Dec 1990,  pp 24-34.
             Rahim A. and Islam A.K.M.S.,'Stability Assessment of Inland Passenger Vessels By the
             Lyapunov Method', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol 19, No. 3-4,
Oct 1991, pp 47-58.
             Rahim A. et. al., 'Mechanization of Country Boats of Bangladesh: The Challenge of Technical Improvements', Technical Report of the Country Boat Pilot Project, NOAMI, October, 1991.
             Rahim A., Mahiuddin G. and Das D.K., 'Selection of Sail Configuration for Country
of Bangladesh', Journal of the NOAMI, Vol 8, No. 1&2, Dec 1991, pp 5-13.
            Rahim A. and Islam A.K.M.S., 'Stability Assessment of Inland Passenger Vessels By the Strathclyde Method', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol 20, No. 3, July 1992, pp 35-42.
            Rahim A., Mahiuddin G. and Das D.K., 'Feasibility of Sail Assisted Propulsion for the Country Boats of Bangladesh', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Vol 20, No. 4, Oct 1992, pp 53-63.
             Rahim A., A.K.M. Sadrul Islam and G.M. Khalil, 'Weather and Passenger Crowding
             Criteria on the Stability of Inland Passenger
             Vessels', published in the Journal of the Institution of Engineers, India, November
             Rahim A., A.K.M. Sadrul Islam and G.M. Khalil, 'Free Surface Effects on the Stability
Passenger Vessels; Some Computation Results', Mechanical Engineering Research
              Bulletin, BUET, Dhaka.
              Rahim A., Gama B.A. and Kashem A., 'Case Study on Chandi Boat Motorization -
              Bangladesh' presented at FAO Conference, Madras, India, during 21-24 July 1992.
             Rahim A. and Gama B.A., 'Ferrocement Boatbuilding in Bangladesh; Problems and
             Prospects', Journal of Ferrocement, International Ferrocement Information Center,
             AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.
            Rahim A. and Gama B.A., 'Chandi Boat Motorization Project and Future Support for Fishing Boat Sector of Bangladesh', Presented at the FAO Conference held at Bhola, Bangladesh, 17-18 January 1993.
            Rahim A., 'Research Needs for Fisheries Development in Bangladesh; The Fishing Craft Perspective', Presented at the National Workshop Dhaka, 25-26 January 1993.
             Rahim A., Palmar C. and Khalil, G.M., 'Hydrostatic Characteristics of Some Typical Country Boats of Bangladesh', under preparation and to be presented for publication in Journal of Small Boats.
             Rahim A. and Gama B.A., 'Structural Characteristics of Country Boats of Bangladesh',
             under preparation, July, 1996.
             Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “Transport Scenario of Remote Offshore Islands of Bangladesh: Cases of Hatiya and Swandip”, Journal of  the International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, Vol. 23, No. 1, May, 1999.
            Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “Characteristics and Performance of Free-fall Lifeboat”, Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, Vol. 58, No. 1, March , 1997.
 Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “Manufacturing of Small Sized Fibre and Fabric Reinforced Concrete Boats”, Indian Journal of Engineering and Material Science, Delhi, India. (submitted)
           Rahim, A. and Khondoker, M. R. H., “A Comparative Study of the Fuel Consumption of
           Inland Vessels with Actual and Optimum
           Propulsion Design”, Journal of Energy and Environment, Centre for Energy Studies,
  Bangladesh. (submitted)
           Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “Prospects of Fiber Reinforced Ferrocement
           Boatbuilding in Bangladesh”, Journal of Civil  Engineering, The Institution of Engineers,
            Bangladesh, June, 2000. (submitted)
           Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, “An Investigation of the Fuel Efficiency of Some Inland
            Water Craft of Bangladesh”, Journal of Institution of Naval Architects, Bombay, India.
            Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “A Study on the Behaviour of Skid-Launching Free-fall Lifeboat”, Proceedings of the Annual Paper Meet, Mechanical Engineering Division, Institution of Engineers, Chittagong, Bangladesh, October 31-November 2, 1996.
            Rahim, A. and Khondoker, M. R. H., “Standards For Inland Water Transport”, Proceedings of the Annual Paper Meet, Mechanical Engineering Division, Institution of Engineers, Khulna, Bangladesh, October 23-25, 1997.
 Ullah, M. R., Rahim, A. and Khondoker, M. R. H., “Propulsive Efficiency in Inland Vessels of Bangladesh : Some Case Studies”, Proceedings of the Annual Paper Meet, Mechanical Engineering Division, Institution of Engineers, Khulna, Bangladesh, October 23-25, 1997.
 Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “Structural Characteristics of Country Boats and Possible Improvements to Suit Mechanization”, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Paper Meet, Mechanical Engineering Division, Institution of Engineers, Chittagong, Bangladesh, November 5-7, 1998.
 Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A, “Extent of Trim Corrections on the Stability of Inland Vessels: Some Case Studies”, 7th International Conference on Stability of Ships and Ocean Vehicles, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia, January 31 to February 4, 2000. (Abstract accepted)
 Khondoker, M. R. H. and Rahim, A., “Use of Fibre Reinforcement for Improving the Performance of Ferro-Cement as Boat- Building Material”, Sixth West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress, B.E. Collegee (D.U.), Howrah, India, 26-28 February, 1999.
 Rahim, A. and Khondoker, M. R. H., “A Comparative Analysis of Two Different Methodologies for Mechanization of Country Boats; The Perspective of Technology for People”, (in Bangla) Sixth West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress, B.E. Collegee (D.U.), Howrah, Calcutta, India, 26-28 February, 1999.
            Khondoker and M. R. H. Rahim A., “An Overview of Safety of Inland Passenger
            Vessels of Bangladesh”, To be presented in the 9th  International Conference on
Communities (SAFE-9), Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 26-28,  2000.
 Rahim, A.and Khondoker, M. R. H., “The Scenario of Safety of Mechanized Country Boats Operation in Bangladesh”, To be presented in the 9th International Conference on Safe Communities (SAFE-9), Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 26-28, 2000.
 Rahim, A.and Khondoker, M. R. H., “Problems Relating to Design and Constriction of Inland and Coastal Vessels in Bangladesh from the Point of View of Safety”, paper presented at the Workshop on Safety of Inland and Coastal Vessels in Bangladesh organized by the Department of Shipping, Government of Bangladesh, sponsored by ESCAP/IMO, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 3-5, 2000.
 Rahim, A.and Khondoker, M. R. H., “Financial Implication of Accidents on Owners”, paper presented at the Workshop on Safety of Inland and Coastal Vessels in Bangladesh organized by the Department of Shipping, Government of Bangladesh, sponsored by ESCAP/IMO, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 3-5, 2000.
 Rahim, A.and Khondoker, M. R. H., “Evolving Development Strategy for the Country Boats of Bangladesh”, Keynote paper presented at the Workshop on Safety of Inland and Coastal Vessels in Bangladesh organized by the Department of Shipping, Government of Bangladesh, sponsored by ESCAP/IMO, Dhaka, Bangladesh, April 3-5, 2000.  

Theses Completed :

  'Preliminary Design of a High Speed Patrol Craft', for the degree of B.Sc. Engineering (Naval Architecture and Marine), B.U.E.T., April, 1980.
 'Investigation of the Effects of Wind and Passenger Crowding on the Stability of Passenger Vessels', for the degree of M.Sc. Engineering (Mechanical), B.U.E.T., July 1990.

 Theses Supervised :

  As a faculty member in the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the following undergraduate theses have supervised:
  Parametric Study of Inland and Coastal Vessels of Bangladesh
 Computer Application in Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding
  A Survey on recent Developments in Fuel Economy in Marine Diesel Engines
  On the Maintenance of Marine Diesel Engines
  Investigation of Accidents, Damages and Cargo Losses in Inland Shipping
 As a faculty member in the Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, the following post-graduate thesis have supervised:
 Performance Evaluation of a Public Sector Dockyard  

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